Art nr EC-10 EC2

Multifunction pocket calibrator: Pt, Cu, Res, Temp, voltage

SIKA simulators have been developed for simple and flexible calibration and maintenance. Various tests can be performed in a single operation without having to change instruments. This saves time. SIKA multifunction simulators combine the functions of a wide range of individual devices into a single unit.

Resistance thermometer (RTD)
RTD signal generation and measurement: Pt100, Pt200, Pt500, Pt1000, Cu10, Cu50
Ω-generator function: 0...4000 Ω
Ω-measurement function: 0...5500 Ω
Accuracy (rdg. + const.): ±0,05 %
Selectable temperature unit: °C / °F
Measurement of multi-wire connection: 2 / 3 / 4

Thermocouples: (TC)
TC signal generation and measurement: J, K, T, R, S, B, N, E, U, L
mV generator function: -100...1100 mV
mV measurement function: -50...550 mV
Accuracy (rdg. + const.): ±0,02 %
Selectable temperature unit: °C / °F
Internal comparison point: ±0,05 °C

Continuity (O / C)
Continuity measurement: O / C
Switching threshold open: 0,5 kΩ
Functions at generation
Output zero: yes

Functions at measurement
Measured value hold function: yes
Averaging function: yes
Room temperature display: yes
There are no accessories available for this product.
There are no consumables available for this product.